Николай Аничкин
13 min readFeb 14, 2021


The Voynich manuscript reveals its secrets.

Voynich’s manuscript is known as the most unsolved book. Around it, there are many different versions of the origin, from real, Earth to alien origin. Since its public appearance, many attempts have been made to decipher it for more than a hundred years. However, all of them did not give a positive result. There are two reasons for this. First. The place of its origin is not defined. Second. Practically follows from the first. No study has taken into account one of the ancient languages that existed in the middle ages. Taking these points into account, it was possible to determine the language in which the manuscript was written and translate some of the words. They are not very many, but their meaning allowed us to draw some conclusions. Without going into the details of the decoding technique in this paper, but taking into account the meaning of the translation of words and sentences, we can conclude about the content of this artifact.

The Voynich manuscript is an ancient encyclopedia of ancient household and vital knowledge. Moreover, the manuscript contains information about unsolved mysteries, such as mount Kailas. The manuscript was written between 1485 and 1530. The authors of it are the priests, who had secret knowledge. When writing, they used a language that only they used in this territory. Moreover, they additionally encoded it. The manuscript does not indicate any sections on the subject, however, they actually exist. In General, taking into account the translated words and sentences, they can be presented as follows.

Fig.1. A plant that was used for making drinks and bread.

Section 1. (Pages 1–57/1). This section presents drawings of plants that grow on the territory of writing the manuscript itself. With the help of the received key, it was possible to get a translation of more than two dozen words, some of which are shown in Fig.1–3. It is not difficult to notice that even with such a small number of translated words, the scope of these plants is viewed. Thus, the plant shown in Fig.1. (page 9 of the manuscript) could be used for making drinks and bread. In the texts describing many plants, there is the word “six”. There is an explanation for this. The thing is

the fact that the region of writing the manuscript at that time used a different system of time calculation, according to which the week consisted of nine days. If you multiply nine by six, you get fifty-four days. According to modern time, this is almost two months. But it is known that this is how long it takes for many plants to Mature. Therefore, the word “six” denotes the time required for the maturation of plants in weeks according to the ancient calculation of time.

Fig. 2. A plant that was used for cooking clothes, so it is when cooking.

For Fig. 2. Here is a fragment of a drawing (page 9 of the manuscript reverse side), with the image of a plant, which, according to the meaning of the translated words, was used both for making clothes and cooking. The most suitable for such features of the known are flax and hemp. Moreover, hemp is less labor-intensive in processing, but the fabric from it is more coarse.

It is impossible not to pay attention to one feature of the plant shown in this figure. For rice. 4. Fragments of a drawing from the manuscript, drawings of flax and hemp leaf are given. As a result, we observe that the drawing in the manuscript contains elements of flax (flower) and hemp (leaf). This is a riddle within a riddle. Maybe the images of plants are also encrypted? So they can’t be identified?

The next plant that attracts attention is the one shown in Fig. 3. (page 54 of the manuscript). The meaning of the translated words again indicates that this plant is used for human consumption. But in addition to this, there is a word in the text that translates as “cleansing the intestines”. This suggests that this plant, among other things, can be used to prevent the human body.

The meaning of the translated individual words of the other texts corresponding to the depicted plants showed a complete analogy to the above. All this gives reason to believe that this section contains information about the entire complex of plants growing in the region of writing the manuscript, the order of their cultivation and use in everyday life. We can confidently say that this knowledge could be in demand today.

The above gives reason to draw the following conclusion. The first section of the Voynich manuscript is a reference data on plants growing in the region of writing the manuscript, the order of their cultivation, their properties and the order of application in everyday life.

Fig.3. A plant that was used both for cooking and for

for the prevention of diseases of the body.

Section 2. (p. 57/2–66). In this section, the most informative picture was on page 57/2 (Fig. 5.). In this drawing, it was possible not only to translate individual words, but also from individual consecutive words will make a sentence, the meaning of which is as follows: “Someone present utters praise to God.” It is known that this is a mandatory Slavic rite before eating (meal). It should be noted that in some particularly religious families, this rite is still preserved today. The figure clearly shows four sectors. There is also an explanation for this. In the summer, the working day lasted almost all the daylight hours, which is more than twelve hours. Therefore, during this period, four meals a day were taken. Separately translated words confirm that in this case we are talking about the order of eating. Moreover, the sequence of food consumption and their effect on the human body is indicated.

Sheets 58–65 and 66/2 are most likely devoted to everyday nutrition, cooking, and food preservation. The plant drawings shown on sheets 65 and 66/2 were most likely to be used for cooking or eating.

Some of the sheets (59–60) are missing, but most likely they are also devoted to human nutrition. This topic has not lost its relevance today. Or maybe it has become more relevant.

Fig. 4. Analogy of plant elements in the drawing in the manuscript

with elements of existing plants.

Not a little information was obtained when reviewing the text on page 66 (Fig.6.). two sentences were translated from the meaning of the translated words. “Who comes to drink water to the spring, he certainly strengthens the body” and “ Water helps to get rid of pain to those who suffer from the body”. Many of the words in this column of characters were translated, but the sentence could not be made up. There is no doubt that the text on this page is dedicated to the beneficial properties of water. Most likely, we do not know these properties.

Translated sentences are most likely Proverbs and are pronounced differently. Thus, the conclusion follows from all the above. The second section of the Voynich manuscript it is dedicated to the organization of nutrition and the preservation of human health in General.

Section 3. (pages 67–69). In this section, not everything was determined, but from what we were able to decipher, we can conclude that this section is devoted to the calculation of time. It is likely that on page 67 (Fig. 7.) the drawing is a schematic representation of the year according to the lunar calendar. Its description and usage order are given around the circle. The name of the month is indicated in each sector. In addition, each sector has several stars. In their location, the system is not visible, so their meaning lies in their number. It should be noted here that throughout the text, the meaning of asterisks is contained in their number. In this case, most likely, the number of stars in the sector corresponds to the number of stars in the zodiac sign that corresponds to this month.

Fig.5. The order of the meal.

The next drawing of the manuscript that was identified is shown in Fig.8. In the center is a typical manuscript designation for the moon. The entire drawing is divided into four sectors with their numbering by the number of asterisks. A group of asterisks in the first sector attracts attention. Some experts have tried to see in their location any constellation. But this is not the case. It is necessary to start the analysis with their number. In this case, there are seven stars in the group, which corresponds to the duration of one quarter of a month, which is exactly seven days.

The duration of the lunar month is 28.5 days. This is probably why the existing week consists of seven days. It should be noted that these arguments are acceptable for the simple lunar month, but they are not acceptable for the sacred lunar month.

Go to the next drawing in this series (Fig. 9.). In this drawing, there are two typical images of the moon for the manuscript, but with a different design, one completely light, the other with dark elements and many stars. It is safe to say that in this case we are talking about the lunar month.

The number of stars is 29, which corresponds to the number of days in the lunar month (28.5). The image of the moon in the light design corresponds to the full moon, and in the dark design, respectively, the new moon (the moon is not visible). Each star of the drawing corresponds to one word. It is known that every day of the lunar calendar has its own name. Attention is drawn to another subtle fact, among all the asterisks that indicate the days of the month, the asterisk that indicates the fifteenth day stands out a little. Its size is slightly larger than the others and it is located in the middle between the designations of the moon in the new moon and full moon stage. This is due to the fact that this asterisk indicates the day of the full moon. All this confirms the fact that this figure is nothing more than the structure of the lunar month of the simple.

Fig. 6. Useful properties of water.

Completes a series of drawings dedicated to the lunar calendar, Fig. 10. This drawing differs from the previous one by the number of stars. It is easy to see that some of the stars are arranged in a circle around the Central group. If they are separated, 36 stars remain in the Central group. Here we must make a digression. If the lunar month is a simple 28.5 days, then the year on the lunar calendar is 342 days. This is significantly less than the actual year on the solar calendar. To compensate for this difference, there is a sacred lunar month, similar to the leap year in the solar calendar. The number of days in the sacred lunar month is 36, and the number of stars in the Central group of the drawing is also 36. And the last one. In this drawing, the asterisk number 20 is also highlighted, which is also located in the middle between the symbols of the moon during the new moon and full moon. In practice, this day is the day of the full moon in the Holy month.

The following drawing of this section of the manuscript , the meaning of which was determined, is shown in Fig. 11. It is known that in ancient times , in the region where the manuscript was written, there was a different daily measurement of time from today. Namely, the day consisted of 16 hours. An hour consisted not of minutes , but of fractions , etc.

Thus, the analysis of half of the drawings of the third section of the Voynich manuscript showed that in General the section is devoted to time calculation, which was used in ancient times.

There is a high probability that what was not deciphered contains information that is not known to modern humanity.

Fig. 7. Description of the year according to the lunar calendar.

Section 4. Pages 69/2–74/2 contain the following section. This section consists of pie charts. All charts are similar to each other. A distinctive feature of charts is that their center is the zodiac sign. But we find only 10 characters out of 12 existing ones. This is explained as follows.

According to the Voynich’s manuscript Keeper, it is known that some of the Voynich’s manuscript sheets were not found. In this section, we see that the sheet with the number 73 is followed by the sheet with the number 75, i.e. there is no 1 sheet, on which 2 more charts should be placed.

Fig. 8. The main phases of the moon.

Consider the diagram on page 70 (Fig. 12.). In the center of the diagram is most likely the zodiac sign of Pisces. A total of 30 female figures with marks are placed around in concentric circles. In the next two diagrams, the author depicted the same signs of the zodiac, but each figure has fifteen female figures. Thus, this sign of the zodiac corresponds to thirty figures of women. The situation is similar in the other drawings. As a result, we have the following:

- figures on diagrams are strictly female;

- all signs of the zodiac correspond to a specific number of female figures, namely thirty;

- in most cases, the marks next to the female figures located in the same places are different.

It is logical to assume that there must be a probable connection between the zodiac signs, silhouettes of women and the number “30”. Consider the fact that according to the Vedas, there were nine days in a week. Multiplying nine days by thirty, we get two hundred and seventy days. Well, this period is familiar to all, or at least to women. This is the full pregnancy period of women. Now it is clear why the charts show only the figures of women and their thirty.

Based on the above, the conclusion follows: these diagrams show the features of pregnancy periods in women at conception under different signs of the zodiac. In proof of this, one of the diagrams managed to translate two words: “Born. Perhaps». There are similar words on other charts.

The conclusion for this section can be as follows. This section contains information for women that they need during pregnancy when conceiving under various signs of the zodiac. Surely many modern women would like to have this information.

Fig. 9. Schematic image of a simple lunar month.

Section 5. On pages 75–86, there is another specific section that shows women taking certain procedures. On page 84, several words were translated (Fig. 13), the meaning of which gives reason to believe that it is medical procedure. The text part of the section most likely contains a methodology for preparing and conducting procedures. According to some sources, in ancient times, very much attention was paid to the birth of healthy offspring. Various wars were constantly taking place, and daily work required good health. Naturally, the birth of healthy offspring depended on the woman. This fact gives reason to believe that this and the previous sections are devoted to maintaining or restoring the health of women in order to give birth to healthy offspring.

With a high degree of confidence, we can say that the fourth section of the Voynich manuscript is devoted to the preparation of healing baths for women and the order of their reception.

It is necessary to note that the fourth and fifth sections of the Voynich manuscript are significant, which is purposefully devoted to the health of women and ultimately the birth of healthy offspring.

Fig. 10. The lunar month is sacred.

Section 6. The next group of drawings, United by common features, is placed on pages 87–102. It is characteristic of the drawings in this section that each section of the text corresponds to several plants and a characteristic container (Fig.16.). This gives reason to believe that this section refers to the preparation of various medicinal complex tinctures. There are pages where the text corresponds to a single plant. Apparently, in this case, we are talking about preparing a simple tincture. Therefore, this section is nothing but pharmaceuticals.

Section 7. The last section of the manuscript is a simple text in which each paragraph is marked with an asterisk. (Rice. 17.). And in this case it is impossible not to notice

one feature. Some of the star outlines are painted over, and some are not. We can assume that in this case we are talking about a conversation, namely a question-answer. In this text, we also managed to find a translation of individual words, but it is difficult to determine the meaning of the entire text. We can only assume that in this case we are talking about some of the wisdom of life and household advice.

Fig. 11. The division of the day into hours.

Fig.12. Tips for pregnant women.

Fig. 13. Taking healing baths by women.

Fig. 14. The method of preparation of the healing tincture.

Fig. 15. Fragment of the text of the last section of the Voynich manuscript.

In addition to all the above, the manuscript contains information about some things that modern humanity can not comprehend. For example, the manuscript contains information about the famous mysterious mount Kailas. There is information about the Holy Grail and more.

As a conclusion, we can say the following. Voynich’s manuscript is a kind of encyclopedia of everyday and not only knowledge necessary for a person in the process of life. There is a high probability that some of this knowledge is lost, but it has not lost its relevance.

The most important result that follows from all this is that a complete translation of the Voynich manuscript is more than relevant and very necessary.

N. Anichkin

